I like to think
that manners will make up for any superficial social short-coming. In other words that zit on your forehead that you picked at last night, your 'S's that sound more like 'TH's, and your sweaty hands could perhaps be overlooked if you're pleasant and polite. Unfortunately, it appears that as people get less attractive, larger, and sloppier, they don't get more polite; what happened to common courtesy?

     While at my local market, I noticed a woman with a cart piled high with groceries. The isle was narrow and I moved closer to the shelves that I was perusing in order to give her more passing space. There was ample space, she could have easily avoided me by slipping down another isle OR she could have slid past me. Once again, ample space. Of course, being the bitch magnet that I am, I heard an exasperated sigh as she came screeching to a halt, Excuse me *dagger eyes*. Apparently my previous adjustment wasn't adequate for her (perhaps she drives a Hummer and thinks she's much bigger than she is) so I apologized and stepped out of the isle so that she could pass. I waited with a hopeful look on my face, half expecting her to give me a sheepish look and scurry by while making some comment about how her cart was too big and she was too small, but it never came. Suddenly I felt so naive to expect any sort of thanks. Now wait just a second; you're not toting around three children under the age of five, you aren't pregnant, you aren't with your ill mother, and you sure as hell don't have any sort of visible, physical disability-- Why do you think it's okay to be such a bitch?

     A word of advice to all of those out there who think that you're entitled to some sort of unwritten "privilege" of not having to say 'please' and 'thank you.' You're not. It doesn't make you cool to purse your lips and shoot dagger eyes every which way. No matter how much of a nasty wench you are, you must remember that there is no reason for you to behavior like some crude, crass, cave-being. Don't worry, next time someone asks me to move I'll just beat my chest. Me no move now, bitch.

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