I've often been pinned as callous, incoherent, and condescending. I'm not going to waste your time and explain whether or not I agree and I definitely won't attempt to debunk my prickly reputation, but I will offer brief insight. I've always had strong opinions, but I spent years keeping my mouth shut for fear of a social "slap on the wrist." Now I'm old enough to realize that being a people-pleaser will get you no-where in life. I am no longer a people-pleaser, a wallflower, or a (social) pacifist- no, I'm not running around flipping off the masses, leading rallies against corporate America and burning my bra- I've found my voice. Maybe this is a headache for you but for me it means a chance to try to apprehend trivial matters that plague most people's lives (que dramatic music now, Rob Pattinson enter stage left while holding leather journal...zZzzZzz.)
You don't have to agree with me, in fact I would prefer if you didn't, but if I make you think about something you might not have thought about otherwise, I'll be satisfied. If I can offer you an escape from your day by divulging an embarrassing story or an incoherent rant, I'll be ecstatic.
Bottom line: you'll be entertained by my illogical reasoning, my bizarre antics, and my bouts of complete insanity. My mental instability will make you feel so much better about yourself. I promise.

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