I was lying in bed the other night, my head plagued by clutter which made it impossible for me to fall asleep until the wee hours of the morning, and I began thinking about the difference between needing and loving someone. I've been in my fair share of romantic flops, none of which made me see hearts and spew the 'L' word, but I do know the feeling of needing someone. I've frequently walked away from relationships because of my own emotional challenges, thinking that I would be better off without them, but then as soon as I walk away I can't help but feel the strong urge to rekindle what we had. It's like all of a sudden this desperation takes hold of me and I want, no, need the same person I cast aside moments before. Suddenly I'm criticizing myself for my inability to handle a relationship in a mature manner and I find myself dredging up the same question that I've been pondering for years: is needing someone synonymous with loving them, or are you just unable to let them go because you want what you opted not have?

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